St Sava College
- Client St Sava College
- Location Varroville | Dharug Country
- Sector Education
A new K-12 Orthodox School. Located 45km south west of Sydney, in Varroville NSW, St Sava College will be perched high within a rural setting with breathtaking views towards surrounding hills and bush reserve. The masterplan primarily focuses on providing a Core 14 primary and a Stream 2 High School.
The existing building currently caters for Kindergarten to Year 2 and houses a chapel at its core. The masterplan respects the nature of this building, ‘the heart’ and allows progressive future development to take place in multiple stages with the provision of additional classrooms, learning and support units and a multi purpose hall.
A key design objective for the learning spaces is for them to be legible and conducive to the needs of learners. They must also help to maintain and develop the sense of community inherent to the Orthodox faith and the different cultures from which students come. The main covered pedestrian spine is clear with secondary walkways linking classroom clusters.
As one progresses along the pedestrian spine, views through entry breezeways provide a glimpse onto the natural surrounds and can facilitate informal outdoor learning spaces. Key open areas of the masterplan allows siting of ‘the heart’ with play areas positioned close by.
For ease of construction, a uniform approach to the design has been adopted with the focus being on repeated modules allowing the possibility for off site fabrication and on site assembly.